26-28 Wright Street
brakes, car servicing, exhaust, garage services, mot, puncture repairs, tyres, wheel alignment, car repairs, lazer tracking
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At Steves we provide a range of professional services for maintaining and repairing your motor vehicle, with decades of experience, our team of fully trained mechanics will repair your vehicle to the highest standard.
Please see below for some of the services we provide:
At Steves MOT & Service Centre, Southbank Road, Southport:
MOT’s (Trade and Retail)
Car and Van servicing (Also 4×4) all makes and models
Computerised diagnostics for most cars
Clutch and gearbox repairs
Engine repairs and replacement
Brakes tested and replaced
Batteries tested and fitted
Exhausts supplied and fitted
Tyres (Drawn from Wright Street stock)
Shock absorbers and road springs tested and fitted
Tow bars supplied and fitted
Engine management lights reset
At Steve’s Tyred ‘n’ Exhausted, Wright Street, Southport, we offer;
Car Servicing (Motor-homes up to 4 tonnes) all makes and models
Tyres (Cars, vans and motorcycle)
Exhausts supplied and fitted
Brake inspection and replacement
Batteries tested and fitted
Puncture repairs (Cars, vans and motorcycle)
Computerised laser wheel alignment and full geometry check and adjust
Shock absorbers and road springs tested and fitted
If there is a service you require, which you do not see here, please contact us on the telephone number above and ask, we simply offer too many services to list here and will be happy to discuss your requirements in person.
Steve’s Tyred ‘n’ Exhausted & Steve’s MOT and Servicing are a professional and family friendly firm aimed at providing MOT and servicing for Southport motorists. Steves was established in 1996 and has been providing MOT servicing in Southport since then our team of dedicated and professional mechanics are fully trained and qualified to the highest standards.